

Page history last edited by jasondwayne 13 years, 7 months ago

California 2.0 Curriculum Connections

The beauty of a wiki is the collaboration towards a common goal.

 (Extra credit geek points if you can add to the this list using the form Idea#_: in bold Format Normal, Font Arial, Size small then your idea Format Normal, Font Arial, Size small)


Add or enhance curriculum connection ideas for WIKIS:

Idea #1: Collaborative note-taking. Everyone pitches in and adds a fact or two about a topic. Teachers can encourage students to include opinions, challenges, and appropriate criticism. Students would then write essays using only these notes. Make sure that each addition includes a citation to website, book, or database, including page numbers so that it can be checked.


Idea #2: History.Students can compile a wiki of famous artists, architects, writers, and other key historical figures from a city, state, or country.


Idea #3: Create a "top 10" lists and supporting material. This could include scientists and their discoveries, top writers and their books, or ... you get the idea.


Idea #4: Mission trading cards(see Week 3), once completed, could be added to a class wiki.


Idea #5: As a library Media Teacher: This could become a great tool for scavenger hunts where students can create pathfinder lists to specific reference information. The contributors would be listed in the posts and the sources cited. 


Idea #6: Wikis are used for annual "Battle of the Books" Question Creating Collaboration. It was one wiki with a page for each book on the Battle of the Books list. Because we did not use the official Battle of the Books materials, we were making up our own questions for the Battle and for our practice. (Fresno)


Idea #7: Write a letter to a legislator. Students contribute opinions supported by cited facts. From there, the class writes a class letter that all sign.


Idea #8: For school/community spirit: Clubs on campus. Famous alumni. Minutes/agendas of school committees. Compilation of school sports records.


Idea #9: For graduating seniors: College admissions processes/tips from those who have graduated. Sample application essays or topics. Information on local colleges.


Idea #10: Book reports/talks/reviews. Create collaborative book reviews.  I plan on having Library Service students do their book reviews on wikis and then recruit friends, classmates, to add theirs, etc.


Idea #11: Present a problem to be solved (such as building a bridge that can hold x pounds) Every member of the class has to research it and then put their ideas on the wiki. Others can agree, add to it, or refute it. If they refute it, they must offer an alternative solution. Then, once the class as a whole is satisfied with the steps to take, they build the bridge.


Idea #12: Make a pro/con list and have kids add their opinions, backed by research citations.


Idea #13: Students could create a kidipedia (their own version of wikipedia) on a given topic/subject either as a short term project (ie weather) or a semester or year-long project (ie U. S. history).


Idea #14: Use a wiki for Battle of the Books where students create a list of questions/answers for each book to help each other study.


Idea #15: Toy Project. Students work independently, in small groups, and as a whole class, using a wiki to more easily share information and draw “big picture” conclusions about working conditions in toy factories around the world. Note how resources and work space occur in the same place.



Idea #16: Controversial Issues Wiki. This is a template for students working in pairs. They use the wiki to take notes about both sides of a controversial issue and produce the best arguments and evidence on both sides before writing. Source citation is built into the note-taking.




Idea #17:Making Connections about World War II.Students used this wiki to share information about connections among people, battles and other key events of World War II. Each student produced a concept map revealing their understanding of those connections. Password to this wiki: dday





Idea #18: create a wiki for book reviews. As students read books they enjoy (or don't) they can post to the library's wiki, encouraging their fellow students to read!



Idea #19: As this wiki grows, encourage students to make links within the wiki. "This book link is historical fiction as is this book link."  Look at all group projects used by teachers as potential wikis. Explore the possiblities and be ready to demonstrate and train teachers how to adapt current assignments and create new assignments using wikis instead of the conventional tools that have always been used.


Idea #20 Use Library Thing to create a list of books that extend the lesson taught in wiki, then use the post Random Book script from tools section into wiki to generate interesting book list .


Idea #21 Create a wiki for a library book club so readers can share thoughts, questions and comments immediately and not wait for weekly or monthly meetings. Students who miss meetings can have opportunity to share as well as shy readers who might not speak-up as well as they "post".  The book club wiki could also be used to have student write reviews of books, propose next books to read and vote on them, and keep members informed of upcoming meetings and activities. Students could also recommend new titles to be considered for addition to the collection.


Idea #22: I've created a wiki on wetpaint for book reviews by students. Students can also add questions they think would entice others to read that book.They could come up with story starters for a "sequel".


Idea #23:  Update pathfinders that assist students in doing research on curricular topics into wikis to invite teacher teacher and student collaboration.  (See Joyce Valenza's "Ten reasons why your next pathfinder should be a wiki").


Idea #24:  Librarian and teachers collaborating on a curricular resources wiki that recommends media available in the library and classrooms that tie to the school's curriculum, such as books (picture book read-alouds, books for guided reading groups, supplemental information books), DVD's, audiobooks, etc.


Idea #25: Use Joyce Valenza's new wiki to revise, update, build or create your library web page for school 2.0 - join it at http://schoollibrarywebsites.wikispaces.com/


Idea #26:  English classes can create 'magazines' and/or 'newsletters' on a wiki.  Each student can contribute through articles, book and music reviews, poetry, biographies of classmates or teachers.  Students would have a venue for demonstrating multiple genres of writing.


Idea #27: Create an international book club and have students around the world discuss the book read. No need to meet, simply post your thoughts and comment on others'


Idea #28: Use a wikki to collaborate with other media specialists in the district--to develop curriculum, plan yearly professional development, schedule meetings and locations.


Idea#29:  Work with other librarians in developing district documents like curriculum guide or tech plan. District library media teachers at feeder schools could work on mapping or aligning the Standards with the curriculum across the K-12 continuum.


Idea #30: In addition to Idea #24, one could have a wiki with reference links and how-to's for the types of projects, assignments, and reports given by the teachers in a particular school.  For example, if a student needed a book report assignment, he/she could look on the wiki to find a template or copy of the specific assignment.  If the student was stuck with how to do the book report, he/she could read some prompts from the teacher.


Idea #31: Use wiki as collaboration tool with teachers/grade levels while planning a unit of study.  This would be a good place to note database passwords, web site links, citation generator links, etc.--because you know no matter HOW many places you put this information, itis good to have it available just one more place so teachers can find it!  Since a wiki can be password protected, there's not a problem with publishing passwords to people who shouldn't have access to them.


Idea #32 I will have my students research topics like planets, states, animals, california history.  They have to create a report and list sources. Other students can go into wiki and add things that they learn


Idea #33 - Create a School Staff Wiki where staff members can reflect on current trends at school and problem solve together. It might create enough interest that teachers would then see ways to use Wikis in their curriculum.  The School Staff Wiki could begin with three catagories: Budget; Behavior; Academics.  Then catagories could be added as participants see new issues.


Idea #34 - Use the controverial aspects of wikis to teach research skills and verifying sources. Have students research a subject on wikipedia and then ask them to reflect on whether they think the information presented is accurate or not. Have them use other reference sources to verify or dispute the opinions shown.


Idea #35- Create a wiki about the history of your town.  Students, parents, and community members can all be involved.


Idea #36 - I am using wikis to: (a) honor a long-time teacher at our school, by inviting all of her former students (many of whom are now in college) to contribute a comment.  We have used the SideBar to put up a different page for each year, and have included a class photo from that time. (b)  Coordinate an educational conference - I have put up the proposed schedule, the committees needed, discussion topics and tasks needed to be done, so that anyone who has logged in may contribute and change the information.  This way, we don't need to meet as often., and those who might be interested in assisting can look at the plans.


Idea #37 - Many of the teachers at my school loop, or have the same group of students for one grade and again for the next grade the following year. Looping has some advantages, one of them is that the students develop a strong bond with each other. A class wiki could be set up to keep students in touch during the summer vacation. Kids could report on their travels, activities, and the books they have been reading and want to recommend to others.


Idea #38 - Use a wiki and Rollyo together to incorporate information literacy into almost any subject. Set up a wiki where students create an annotated list of authoritative sites to use for research in a particular subject. The annotations would justify inclusion on the list by documenting the authority and usefulness of the site.  You could require that a site receive a given number of recommendations, before being included in search roll to be used on research assignments.


Idea #39: -Current Affairs wiki: Students take a curent news topic (Leaded Toys recall, eg), get basic facts, answer basic W5 questions, and then look into how it affects their lives: their own toys at home, toy stores' sales, survey the school for awareness of recall, and ideas for better toys.


Idea #40: Historical character wiki (after idea #2): Students studying a period in history assume an historical figure, do research and write diary entries for that person.  there can be an arguements page, where characters debate each other on issues of their day.


Idea #41- A wiki of book reviews of CYRM nominees would allow students to "discuss" with other students from all over California.


Idea #42:  Set up a School Library Ning (for your school site), then invite people you want to join -- invite the teachers and see who responds. You might want a discussion on new books, recommended books, library policy and plans, and whatever makes sense for your school community:)


Idea #43: I sponsor a service club at my high school that does work to benefit our library and acts as an advisory group to recommend books to add to our collection.  I am very excited to add a wiki link from my school web page this year for TLC (The Library Club) members to post their reviews of good books they have read.  It is a great way for the club to communicate and it will be a great resource for me when students ask me what they should read next.  I can say, "Have you checked out the TLC book review wiki?" and they can have fun browsing the titles and comments.


Idea #44  I created a wiki for the 5 library/media technicians in our district. The first page I created on a wiki was for us to order new shirts. We were all able to put our input in one place as well as come up our choice. Another page is books we are recommending the others to read or purchase. My favorite and most used is our weeding page. It is great that we can have a single place to discuss goings on. I also created a page for book reviews. School hasn't started, so only my last year's TA's are on it so far. I expect it to be a huge hit. I created one for my sister's gate class to use on Greek Mythology. At the last minute, she changed grade levels. I also created a ning, so we will test it out also.


Idea #45 - Use a wiki to have students write about books they have read and give recommendations to their peers.


Idea #46 - There are numerous schools in our district that utilize the AR program; however, there is no defined protocol to follow.  Each site operates and maintains their programs differently.  A wiki could be created as a reference site for all participating schools to align their programs to be unified throughout the district. 


# 47  One way that I would really like to use a wiki is for online book reviews by students.  I have so many avid readers, and this would be a good way for them to be able to recommend books to each other.

#48 Grade level teams could collaboratively plan curriculum, field trips (keeping notes of process, procedures, successes, pit falls, etc.), class procedures and rules, guide to setting up the classroom for the new year...


#49 I created a wiki for our county's media specialists.  Any media specialists in our county could add important dates and thereby create an all inclusive, highly useful meta-calendar.


#50  Get your English Language Arts Teachers in to the library for booktalks for a STANDARDS BASED booktalk using Genre as a theme See English Language Arts Standards, Reading , 3.0 Literary Response and Analysis, Grade Seven Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text 3.4 Identify and analyze recurring themes across works (e.g., the value of bravery, loyalty, and friendship; the effects of loneliness).  All grade levels have a similar standard that can be adapted for this.  See Sample Genre Booktalk Lesson Plan.  Once students figure out what Genre they like, you can refer them to genre lists on the wiki (See the RIYL Wiki...Read if you like...)


Idea #51: If you have to write a volunteer manual for your facility, set it up as a wiki. Invite your paraprofessionals, if you are lucky to have them, to participate as well as experienced volunteers. They can add their practical suggestions, and, as you implement changes, you can constantly update. Your volunteers will be introduced to one aspect of School Library 2.0 and feel like they are actively engaged and valued for what they do. It could also be good public relations as volunteers are usually parents and they can witness how responsive the library is to needs of today's students.


Idea #52: I'd like to set up a wiki for the LMTs in our district. We could provide background on topics that we plan to coverduring our monthly meetings. For example, we are looking right now at adopting a new libary automation system. Some of us are not up to speed on all the terminology ("federated searching, etc.). The wiki could help bring us all to the same level. We could have other categories: "Information Literacy", "Montly Themes", etc. I think we need this kind of resource.


Idea #53:Have students form editorial boards for existing wikis of interest to them -- suggesting changes in entries that would improve on the content or the writing.


Idea #54: Wikis provide the perfect opportunity for students to participate in book discussions in cyberspace at their convenience .  I love the idea of empowering students to "rant and rave" appropriately about books.  Not original, but this would be the most effective use of wikis in my school library.


Idea #55: Teachers on various committees preparing for an NEASC (New England Association of Schools and Colleges) school accreditation visit --  or a similar accreditation process -- could use a wiki to share ideas and collaboratively create and edit the report of their group, whether it be Resources for Learning, Community Connections, Assessments, Mission Statement, or another group. It's often very hard for teachers to find the time to get together for such extended projects.


 Idea #56: Storytelling Wiki. Local storytellers could add and provide links for stories that they like to tell.


Idea #57:  Research wikis.  Have students start a wiki about a topic they are to research.  Each year or semester, have new students use what other students have already done, and have them add to the wiki.  If students didn't always have to start from "scratch" they might be able to go further with the same limited amount of time.  It would be interesting to see what would happen after a few semesters/years of this process.


Idea #58: A simple idea-- Resource Wiki. For every unit, students could find at least 1 resource and add it to the wiki.  The source must a) increase understanding of the key concepts involved and b) extend to other areas across the curriculum.



Idea #59: I see a lot of ideas for language arts, social science and other writing intensive subjects but none for math.  As a simple idea, students can share different ways they know how to solve problems. The teacher can give one topic per week and students can add/correct/modify their way of doing things.  There are so many students from different backgrounds with so many different ways to solve problems..


Idea #60:  A district wide wiki for important links for learning support, second language learners, gifted education, curricular initiatives, technology integration, etc.  Teachers could collaborate and add to the wiki as they find other valuable information.


Idea #61: A school grant writing team can use a wiki to post their drafts and edit each other's work.  This is particularly helpful when the team doesn't have common planning time.  A student library club could use the wiki as their primary means of communication, posting agendas and discussing projects.  They could revise and assess their charter and other required documents.  HS upperclassmen could create a library orientation wiki for the freshmen. Another idea: http://msm114.blogspot.com/


Idea #62:  Inspired by #33...We are in year 2 of the Classrooms For the Future grant.  There will be CFF facilitators from each department to guide and monitor faculty through CFF training.  I can see setting up a wiki for faculty to share their training experiences and ideas that they have created to implement technology into their lessons and to post examples of student products...all in hopes of inspiring others.


 Idea #63  Use it for CFF (and other committees) to share ideas, lessons that worked, successes, failures, resources, etc.  Instead of people constantly re-inventing the wheel, they could look at what worked or not for others and go from there.


Idea #64: I'm hoping that the Health teacher will work with me and create a wiki of the human body. Each student or group of students would be responsible to research a section of the body such as the respiratory system or an organ such as the heart and complete a page of the wiki.


Idea #65: Students are learning about different presidents.  Have them write facts down and then add facts to wiki to share with other students.


Idea #66:  Classroom Novel assignment. At my school teachers supplement the Language Arts material with different novels the students read (mostly outside of class). The teacher could set up a Wiki for each class or each book they plan on reading during the school year. Then, as the book is being read, students can post questions, comments, insights, vocabulary, history, or anything else relevant to the novel that is being read. These Wikis could be saved from year to year and added to each year or the teacher can start fresh each year and then compare the direction the Wikis went with different classes or years.


Idea #67: Check out http://www.go2web20.net/, it's a great resource. You can look up a topic and select the website you want. 


Idea #68: Have the students select a wiki and through research discover what is fact and what is fiction. This will help illustrate that not everything you read on the internet is true, as well as, teach them research skills.


Idea #69: Wikis look to be the wave of the future. I thought "Wikipedia" was just a name, but it ended up having a hidden meaning. I would have students edit a Wikipedia page about something they are interested in. This will give them a sense of contribution.


Idea #70:  A Wiki could be used to disperse yearly campus plan information and collect feedback on it.


Idea #71:  Every year I spend the first 2 weeks of school going over the same library and book care rules with all my classes in grades K-6.  I could have my older classes add our class discussions on these topics to the wiki so I could refer to them with other grade levels.  Each grade could contribute to the wiki.

- Recent Articles about Wikis in Education:


Achterman, D. (2006) Beyond Wikipedia: Using wikis to connect students and teachers to the research

process and to one another. Teacher Librarian 34(2), 19-22.


Borja, R.R. (2006). Educators experiment with student-written wikis. Education Week 25(30), 10.



Engstrom, M.E. & Jewett, D. (2005). Collaborative Learning the Wiki Way. TechTrends, 49(6), 12-15,68.


Jakes, D. (2006). Wild about wikis: Tools for taking student and teacher collaboration to the next level.

Technology & Learning 27(1), 6.



James, H. (2004). My brilliant failure: Wikis in Classrooms. Retrieved September 5, 2006 from Kairosnews:

. http://kairosnews.org/node/view/3794



Lamb, B. (2004). Wide open spaces: wikis ready or not. Educause Review, 37-48



Phillipson, M. & Hamilton, D. (2004). The romantic audience project: A wiki experiment. Retrieved

September 8, 2006 from . http://www.rc.umd.edu/pedagogies/commons/innovations/rap/toc.htm



Richardson, Will (2006). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms. Thousand

Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.



Valenza, Joyce (2007). "School library websites: a loose research translation"  Joyce Valenza's neverending search blog.  01 July 2007. School Library Journal Online. 19 July 2007. http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/blog/1340000334/post/1540011354.html?nid=3714


Valenza, Joyce (2007).  "Ten reasons why your next pathfinder should be a wiki."  Joyce Valenza's neverending search blog.  06 June 2007.  School Library Journal Online.  17 Jul 2007 <http://www.schoollibraryjournal.com/blog/1340000334/post/1620010962.html>.



IDEA:  See the School and University Projects article in Wikipedia.  It provides a listing with links of past, present, and planned projects using Wikipedia as the basis/foundation of numerous (writing) assignments.   




Idea 70 

found a website from another school district that has technology based lessons for all grade levels - called techforteachers.com

lots of good ideas to bounce from into your own classroom


Idea # 71

I manage our teacher bookclub announcements, discussion and suggestions via a page on our wiki.  Book club members suggest wonderful reads to one another and these ideas are posted.  Having a place to discuss adult reading has been a great way to get to know one another outside of our teaching roles.  This is a "collaborative connection" that then extends back into our work with students.


Idea #72  Use the "All About Explorers" website with 5th graders and then have them work in groups to critique the fake pages from that site on the wiki and then to do their research on their chosen explorer to explain why they feel their explorer deserves to have a holiday named after them, rather than Columbus.  Their research will be written on the wiki.


Idea #73 Create a wiki to be used for an annula event such as a school carnival.  Organizers can post information for volunteers and staff to access. Ideas can be tossed back and forth instead always having to meet face to face.  Dates and timely information could be changed each year to reflect the current event.


Idea #74  Create a wiki for teachers to share their lessons and lesson presentations with each other.  Organize the links by classes or by teacher.  Each entry would be a lesson, and if there is a PowerPoint or other type of presentation the teacher uses with the lesson, link to that presentation.


Idea #75 Have students create and update a glossary of terms used in the class, this could be either a ever-expanding list, or one that is reset for each set of students.


Idea #76: Create a wiki that provides space for students and teachers to suggest library book and materials purchases. A second great idea, from Joyce Valenza, is to create wiki pathfinders for various assignments.


Idea #77 Create a wiki for School Spirit - Have students share their thoughts on how they can make the school better. After all students have contributed, review the different ideas and have students write a paper on how they can better their school.


Idea #78 Create a wiki for a Lit Circle Response - Students can post their thoughts and feelings about the characters and plot of a book.  

Comments (13)

Anonymous said

at 9:52 am on Jul 25, 2007

I find this page to be tremendously helpful as an 'idea tank'.

Anonymous said

at 6:46 am on Mar 27, 2008

I am going to attempt running our voluntary summer reading program in a Wiki format this summer. I always enjoy e-mailing with students but would like to try an online book discussion. I am the library media specialist in a 7-8 middle school and I look forward to the opportunities an online book discussion can provide.

Anonymous said

at 8:48 pm on Jan 19, 2009

In schools and school libraries wikis could be used to compile study guides, list of resources, recommended books and reviews loads of stuff. The possibilities are endless..

clleavitt said

at 9:20 pm on Mar 9, 2009

I'm thinking our district librarians should have our own wiki. We need to do more collaborating on promoting our libraries and our positions, in addition to supporting each other in maintaining our collections. How great it would be if connecting was as easy and fun as logging in to a wiki!

Holly Winter said

at 3:39 pm on Jun 26, 2009

I liked Google Earth because I think it would be a fun way to teach kindergarten kiddos about their neighborhood and community.

Melissa Nolte said

at 3:40 pm on Jun 26, 2009

I like Google Earth. I feel that this is a site that many different ages can use in many different ways. In my situation, with Kindergarten my students would have a good time finding thier house and neighborhood. It would be fine to explore their favorite restaurants and places to go.

Holly Winter said

at 4:23 pm on Jul 1, 2009

This Wiki has so much info that I wouldn't have or take the time to sort through it..... but I love the name and it's meaning! What a kindergarten teacher huh? :)

Deb Giblin said

at 7:56 am on Jul 12, 2009

I feel that there are many valuable ways to use wikis in schools and libraries. I also teach a few classes online and can see how wikis can make collaborating with a group very easy in an online class. I think with the discussion capabilities group projects can be run very smoothly.

Melissa Nolte said

at 9:48 am on Jul 13, 2009

Wiki is a great way to get information in brief, however, I am lucky to get on the computer to check email, let alone spend time to sort through all the different things in wiki. But think it has a cute name, and it flashed me back to when I was in hawaii and my grandparents would say, Wiki Wiki, let go!!

Lynn Ferguson said

at 2:54 pm on Aug 1, 2009

Wikis definitely have great potential-I think my first will be a simple class project to gain experience for myself and the students, then we'll endeavor something more involved.

Susan Cline said

at 12:06 pm on Nov 2, 2009

I followed the link to the "10 Ways Library Schools Should Be Teaching Social Media" from Joyce Valenza's wiki. Doug has posted some great ideas to explore and implement. I am overwhelmed by all the "stuff" there is to use to promote our libraries, information literacy, book talks. Lots to learn-----hooray!

tswisshelm said

at 9:13 pm on Jun 27, 2011

tswisshelm said

at 9:14 pm on Jun 27, 2011

I love the Library Thing and Tech for Teachers site. I am always looking for great tech/media lessons to do with my K-6 grade students and these two sites will help tons.

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