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Tagging, Folksonomies and Technorati

Page history last edited by Katherine Powell 15 years, 6 months ago

California 2.0 Curriculum Connections


Idea #1: Use these tools to locate blogs and other sites relating to election season issues.



Add and enhance curriculum connection ideas:


IDEA #2: Create bundled clouds on del.icio.us for research subjects  for assignments in the school library. Students could be directed to the subject at del.icio.us and they would all be able to use the same sites for research. It would be a quick and easy way to create this kind of list. I found a good example of this at: http://del.icio.us/prhslib


Idea #3  Use Flickr Fastr tag game to introduce students to concept of tagging. This is a game where 9-10 pictures with the same tag are displayed and player guesses what the tag is. 


Idea #4: I found that tagging all my favorites, originally saved in folders inside of folders, to del.ic.ious made it very easy to create lists in Rollyo. I can place the Rollyo on my website and students search will be much easier. Goodbye to all those frustrating folders in saved.


Idea #5: So many elementary schools have word walls in the classroom and there is discussion about library word walls. Using a tag cloud of library terms make poster for word wall or bulletin board or paint directly on the wall itself. Technology backwards, I guess.


Idea #6: Find some great ideas for using social bookmarking in education on this blog: http://thecleversheep.blogspot.com/2008/01/social-bookmarking-in-classroom.html


Idea #7: The librarian at our high school (my husband, lucky me!) has offered to help me create a search engine that will only search sites in a selected topic. For example, if my students are reading The Grapes of Wrath and studying the Dust Bowl, they can practice scrolling through a list to find the best result of a search... but they'd only be searching from legitimate sources!


Idea #8:  I use Firefox and synchronize my bookmarks so that I can access them on any computer with that browser.  I also now tag all my bookmarks and love the ability to give each site multiple subject tags.

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