California 2.0 Curriculum Connections
- podcasts, video, and downloadable audio
Idea #1: Interview candidates for local office, or town officials about top issues in your community.
Idea #2: Create a daily school news podcast, including an issue of the day such as copyright/music downloading/file sharing, Internet safety tips, or newest web 2.0 applications.
MORE: Turn your podcast productions into an ongoing project powered by students, not you! First, set up a working formula (branding like "Powered by (school name) Students" from the heart of the(school name)school library; (1-3 minutes) duration; (monthly, weekly or daily) themes; recording time (before school or at lunchtime); podcast music (beginning and end of each podcast -- also a branding technique.)
MORE: Invite an ELL student in middle or high school to record a chapter book for elementary school students. That would be one way to increase the interest in reading by younger students while also increasing the reading confidence/fluency of older students.
Lots of ways for the library to drive student success through web 2.0 tools and i7 920 water cooling curriculum connectiones.
Add or enhance curriculum connection ideas:
Idea #3:Idea #4:or Tony Doyle, LMT at
- Livingston High School's Reading Blog is a forum for students and staff to share their literary experiences and original work. In 2007, the blog offers podcasts and a book review contest. See
- Invite parents of young children to read (and record) 2-3 books to their child. Have them include parent-child comments and discussion. Create podcast collection of parent-read stories and post to the classroom or library website. Why have a celebrity reader for young children, when parents/grandparents/older siblings are young peoples' celebrities. [For older students, have students each read/record a story. Consider having each student buddy-up with a "page-turner" helper.]
Idea #5: Create a podcast tour of the library for the 9th grade library orientation. I hope to make this a part of the orientation that students could actually download to their MP3 players and walk around the library. I want to include it as part of an online library orientation package, maybe posted in a wiki. This could take the form of an audio podcast or have video or screenshots on the computer version.
Idea #5a: Use this same podcast/video tour of the library and orientation for the elementary & junior high libraries. If there is a schoolwide video feed to classes have it presented in that manner prior to coming to the library. If not, run the video/podcast tour upon coming to the library eliminating the need for the library staff to repeat the same routine x the number of classes they have at their school site. This is very time efficient and eliminates possible deletions from a live orientation. Student aides could be engaged in this process, as well as involving a video production class from the high school to do the filming and editing. This is a perfect solution to overworked library staff.
Idea #6 Use DailyLit to sends a chapter a day of selected classics to reluctant readers, or those students that request it.
Idea #7. Instruct students to find a youtube video they find interesting on an aspect of Physics ( or whatever subject). Then assign them the information literacy task of verifying the accuracy of the video.
Idea #8 Create an electronic "vertical file" of podcasts that you know will be useful to teachers. Use iTunes, even without iPod, to organize them. Then gently push these forward to your teachers. I am going to start with This American Life and US History.
Idea #9. I Have students to record books for the free book sites as part of community service.
Idea #10. I Have students develop community service Vodcasts on Internet safety.
Idea # 11. Use Vodcasts and YouTube as hooks or introductions to subjects.
Idea # 12. Prepare a Technology Enhanced Learning in Science (TELS) project, and have students search ScienceHack for science videos to be utilized for research or within a presentation. Cross curricular tie-in, Language Arts/Science: Students read, "Life as we knew it" by Pfeffer and searchs for moon, tides, earthquakes, vocanoes. View "Why doesn't the moon fall down".
Idea # 13. Reviewing for a test could be just a click away on your iPod - article on new ways to use podcasts, vodcasts, etc. in school.
Idea # 14 I spend a lot of time teaching students how to access our districts subscription databases. I plan creating tutorial podcasts that show students, parents, teachers how to log in and efficiently locate the information.
Idea #15. For elementary students: Video student book talks modeled after Reading Rainbow. At the end each Reading Rainbow show, children recommend other titles to try. Analyze Reading Rainbow, first and create your own. Try using a Flip Camera.
Idea #16: Animoto.
I was recently introduced to Animoto, which is a video-making website. I like this website because it is user-friendly. This website does all the editing for you, making videos look professional. Students could take still photos and combine them with music to create videos. I plan to have students use Animoto to create 30-second book trailers.
Idea #17: Book Talks online
I really want to try adding book talks via podcasts to a library website. I would probably start with a few, but I really want to involve our students and teachers in this as well. I have watched when our current librarian book talks a book in front of a class, and the books are always checked out. I would love to harness the power of technology, which our students love, and combine it with the traditional book talk to advocate reading and our school library!
Comments (3) said
at 1:11 pm on Jul 24, 2009
Idea #15 For elementary students: Video student book talks modeled after Reading Rainbow. At the end each Reading Rainbow show, children recommend other titles to try. Analyze Reading Rainbow, first and create your own. Try using a Flip Camera.
Lynn Ferguson said
at 9:24 am on Jul 29, 2009
Ideas #2 and #5 To add copyright-free music to your podcasts, use Podsafe Audio @
Dee Kauer said
at 6:18 pm on Aug 11, 2009
Idea #16
For elementary students: When studying meterology, have fifth graders create weather newscasts of severe weather. Work in collaborative groups and tape with a Flip Camera.
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