California 2.0 Curriculum Connections
Idea #1: Image generators: Show how to make an interesting image to use as interesting story starters. For example: using the star image on Hollywood Boulevard, a teacher or student could add the name of a character, a famous person, or any name. The students could make up a story about how that person got his/her very own star on the Hollywood walk of fame.
Idea #2: Use comic strip generator to make cartoon directions - students and fellow educators might follow THOSE directions!!
Idea #3: Generate an image for your library website, newsletter, or bulletin board. Create images promoting upcoming library events.
Idea #4: Create a map of a city, highlighting famous artists, historical events, buildings, or favorite local shops.
Idea #5: Use Lulu to publish your student's Young Author Faire books <>.
Idea #6: Use LibraryThing for reader's advisory and to highlight new books in the library.
Idea #7. Use Slide or similar tool to create an interesting montage of state pictures when doing a state report. Images from state tourism sites should be allowed for educational purpose under fair use.
Idea # 8: Think I will use FlickrToys trading cards to encourage book checkout: a different staff member/student each month with a statement/list of their favorite books. You get one every time you check out a book. "Collect them all", and you get a prize...miss a month and you can trade with someone else who checked out two books that month...
Idea #9. I used ImageChef to create icons for the district library media resource page that I'm creating.
Idea #10: Use the image generator for a class studying poetry. Project the new image and students write a response journal entry each day.
Idea # 11: I plan to use Flikr to create posters using photos of students who have earned 150 pts in our reading program, to be displayed in the school cafeteria. I've been taking a picture to display and they love it. They would be thrilled to be on a movie poster! Since there is limited space, I may make a movie poster with all their pictures on it.
Idea # 12: I love to play, especially with images and graphics. fdsflickertoys was one of my favorite places to explore. The wheels in my head are spinning with ideas on how to use, trading card maker, wrholized, movie poster and even badge maker! One idea I have for Trading Card Maker is a Dewey Browse. I will make trading cards with different pictures and the Dewey number where a book about the picture can be found. If it's a picture of a bear - I can include facts about bears on the card. etc. The students can pick a card and if they read a book about whatever is on the card, they will get a point. After 2 or 3 points, they will be able to pick a prize. We have a lamenator at our school, so I will lamenate the cards so that they can be used over and over - or maybe I'll make lots of cards and the students can keep them. Maybe if a student reads a book from every Dewey category, I can make them a poster from Movie Poster. The ideas are endless!
Idea #13: Use the Flickr montager to merge pictures of my reading club members and their favorite authors and book covers all in one great poster for a display of "Readers Recommend." Copies of the poster will make a great end of the year parting gift to the book club members.
Idea # 14 (#12 revisited): I also loved the things I found on fdsflickrtoys. What I plan on doing is creating animal trading cards with the trading cards maker. Each student will have an animals and create 3-5 (more if needed) cards for each animal. Each card would have a different image and focus on a different aspect...appearance, habitat, diet..etc. I think that this would be a different and more interesting way of presenting the information that the students find. The cards could then either be printed out and laminated or used as part of a PP or smartboard presentation.
Idea # 15 Work as a class to make your own room symbol -print as a poster or use on classroom leterhead. Each student could make their own symbol as a class building art project to keep up all year to represent themselves in their new classroom.
Idea #16: I think it might be fun to use Ning to create a book club for students in our Independent Studies program.
Idea #17: How about creating a "Student Projects" web page? Students could post their essays, create trading cards for various characters and use Dreamweaver to "doll" it all up!
Idea #18 I think students would enjoy creating their own motivational-style posters. To make it applicable to math, I could have students create posters that illustrate the importance or application of a mathematical concept. I think this idea could be used for a variety of academic subjects. You and your students can make your own by going to
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:More sites to explore:**
Comments (1)
clleavitt said
at 9:38 pm on Mar 9, 2009
Add a widget of your newest books to your blog. Will help "sell" the books. Visuals of the actual book seem like a good way to bring in curious new patrons along with regulars. Important, however to keep this very current. If it's neglected, it will backfire.
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