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GOOD IDEAS and other curriculum awards

Page history last edited by CSLA2Team 14 years, 4 months ago


School Library Learning 2.0 got some early recognition -- we all should be proud of that!


Grants - By now, you are well on your way to being 2.0 web savvy and have tons of ideas for livening up your school library, classrooms, and curriculum  Here are some grants that you or your school might want to seek:


Are your curriculum connection ideas also GOOD IDEAS? 

Plan to apply for the 2010 Good Ideas or the CSLA's annual Educational Technology Award (sponsored by Follett Software).






National School Library Media Program of the Year

The National School Library Media Program of the Year Award honors school library media programs practicing their commitment to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information, as well as exemplifying implementation of Information Power. The award recognizes exemplary school library media programs that are fully integrated into the school's curriculum.


Web Site










The Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant


Deadline: Oct. 1, 2007 (check to see if Scholastic Library Publishing will offered another grant in the summer of 2008.)


The $5,000 Scholastic Library Publishing National Library Week Grant will be awarded to a US library for the best public awareness campaign incorporating the 2008 National Library Week theme, "Join the circle of knowledge @ your library." The grant is sponsored by Scholastic Library Publishing, a division of Scholastic, the global children's publishing, education and mediacompany, and is administered by the Public Awareness Committee of the American Library Association (ALA). National Library Week is April 13-19, 2008. Funds can be used to pay for promotional aspects of the program, i.e., printing/design of flyers, advertising, honoraria, and other campaign expenses related only to promotion.


A grant application form and guidelines are available on ALA's web site.





Administrator Training Program (AB 430)


Sponsored by the CDE, the Administrator Training Program (AB 430), which reauthorizes the Principal Training Program (AB 75), became effective July 1, 2006. It supports professional development that focuses on building principals' and vice principals' leadership skills and the capacity necessary to serve effectively in their critical and complex roles. Federal funding comes from No Child Left Behind (NCLB): Title II, Part A, Principal Training. MODULE III is for technology professional development -- so the CSLA 2.0 Team's online program "Classroom Learning 2.0" is ideal for this.


Web Site






January 10, 2008K-12 school site principals or vice principals. Principals or vice principals at school sites that receive the following funding are required to participate in Administrator Training: Reading First, High Priority Schools, and the School Assistance Intervention Team programs.The recipient funding amount is $3,000




Best Buy Teach Awards


This program is designed to reward schools using interactive technology to make learning fun.


Deadline–September 30, 2007  (check to see if this will be offered again in the summer of 2008.)


Eligibility–K-12 public, private and parochial schools using interactive technology in classrooms that are located within 50 miles of a Best Buy store


Awards–$2,500 Best Buy gift cards; opportunity for $2,500 winners to compete for $15,000 Best Buy gift cards.


ALL School teacher-librarians should seek this award, especially those who have completed this School Library Learning 2.0 course.


See http://www.bestbuy.com/teach

http://www.cde.ca.gov/fg/fo/profile.asp?id=1107http://www.ala.org/ala/aasl/aaslawards/natlslmprogram/aaslnational.cfm January 2, 2008K-12 school districtsThree awards of $10,000 each

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