  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!


Cell Phones and Camera Phones in Education

Page history last edited by jasondwayne 13 years, 1 month ago



Annual "Handheld Librarian Conference: http://www.handheldlibrarian.org/program


Top 10 Mobile Applications of 1012


Using tools we already have for School 2.0:


Newest additions:

9/19/2009 from Craig Wilson, Fairfield: I always thought "free text messaging sites" were spam harvesting

operations, since sending texts is already free from each cell

company's internet gateway. This month's PC Magazine prints them all

together on page 69:

ALLTEL: [Phone Number]@message.alltel.com

AT&T: [Phone Number]@txt.att.net

NEXTEL: [Phone Number]@messaging.nextel.com

SPRINT: [Phone Number]@messaging.sprintpcs.com

T-MOBILE: [Phone Number]@tmomail.net

VERIZON: [Phone Number]@vtext.com

VIRGIN MOBILE: [Phone Number]@vmobl.com

(Hope I didn't introduce any typos - but I double-checked. Test out

your own carrier.)

A few months ago I called and asked Destiny if they had an interface

to send overdue notices as text messages (like they do as emails), but

they said they only have an interface for a POP server, not an SMS




http://www.freetext.biz/ - recommended by

Debra Lockwood, Library Media Teacher, Kingsburg High School

Text message kids when "hold" book is returned and available.




  • http://www.canvasseopinion.com/news/allnewsbydate.asp?NewsID=1334  MORE:

    National Study Reveals How Teens Are Shaping & Reshaping Their Wireless World

    Study Sheds New Light On Teens’ Cell Phone Habits, Expectations & Dream Phone Wishes

    Washington, DC (September 12, 2008)

    As the wireless industry celebrates the upcoming 25th anniversary of the first commercial cell phone call (October 13, 1983), this in-depth online study of more than 2,000 teenagers around the nation sheds new light on how today’s teens feel about wireless products and services, how they are using them today and most importantly, how they would like to use them in the future. A growing wireless segment, teens view their cell phones as more than just an accessory.

    "A quarter of a century of wireless innovation, new products and customized features has transformed our everyday lives," said Steve Largent, President and CEO, CTIA – The Wireless Association®. "Teens are a pivotal segment of wireless users. As the first generation born into a wireless society, how they use their cell phones and what they expect of these devices in the future will drive the next wave of innovation in our industry."

    Impact on Teen Life

    According to the Harris Interactive study, second to clothing, teens say a cell phone tells the most about a person’s social status or popularity, outranking jewelry, watches and shoes. The study also found that cell phones are fast becoming asocial necessity among teens. A majority (57 percent) view their cell phone as the key to their social life.

    With nearly four out of every five teens (17 million) carrying a wireless device (a 40 percent increase since 2004), it’s not surprising that six in ten teens (57 percent) credit mobility for improving their quality of life. Over half of the respondents (52 percent) agree the cell phone has become a new form of entertainment and one-third of teens currently play games on their phone. On a more serious note, 80 percent of teens surveyed said their cell phone provided a sense of security while on the go, confirming the

    cell phone has become their mobile safety net when needing a ride (79 percent), getting important information (51 percent), or just helping out someone in trouble (35 percent).

    From texting to talking and logging on to social networking sites, teens carry cell phones to have access to friends, family and current events. Ironically, while only one in five (18 percent) teens care to pinpoint the location of their family and friends via their cell phone, 36 percent hate the idea of a cell phone feature allowing others to know their exact location.


    Texting Replacing Talking

    Another significant trend confirmed by the study is that texting is indeed replacing talking among teens. Teens admitted spending nearly an equal amount of time talking as they do texting each month. The feature is so important to them that if texting was no longer an option, 47 percent of teens say their social life would end or be worsened – especially among females (54 percent compared to 40 percent of males).

    Teens say texting has critical advantages because it offers more options, including multitasking, speed, the option to avoid verbal communication, and because it is fun – in that order. With more than 1 billion text messages sent each day, it is no surprise that 42 percent of teens say they can even text blindfolded, the study revealed.

    "Teens have created a new form of communication. We call it texting, but in essence it is a reflection of how teens want to communicate to match their lifestyles. It is all about multitasking, speed, privacy and control," said Joseph Porus, Vice President & Chief Architect, Technology Group, Harris Interactive. "Teens in this study are crying for personalization and control of exactly what a wireless device or plan can do for them."

    Reshaping the Future

    The Harris Interactive study provided a futuristic snapshot as to what teens would like to change about wireless services and devices. They want cell phones that break boundaries and are personalized to fit their lifestyle. Topping their wireless wish list are phones that:

    • Guarantee secured data access to the user only (80 percent)
    • Provide accessibility to personal health records (66 percent)
    • Present opportunities to be educated anywhere in the world (66 percent)
    • Bring users closer to global issues impacting teens’ world (63 percent)
  • "Teens expect mobile technology to change the social fabric of their world and they have laid the future at the feet of this technology like no other," said Porus. "To our knowledge, no other industry carries these hopes; while teens are interested in cars and music and movies, it is mobility that will change their future!"

    While there is no crystal ball to show what phones of the future will look like, the study found that teens are excited and open-minded about the wireless possibilities. The survey found that teens’ ideal future mobile device would feature five applications – phone, MP3 player, GPS, laptop computer and video player – and the following desired features:

    • Shock and water proof (81 percent)
    • Endless power (80 percent)
    • Privacy screen (58 percent)
    • Flexible material and folds into different shapes and sizes (39 percent)
    • Artificial intelligence – ask it questions and it gives answers (38 percent)
  • "In the future, mobility for teens means mobile banking, mobile voting, location based services, personal entertainment – the sky is the limit for how mobile our lifestyles can be," commented Largent. "We’ve certainly come a long way in 25 years and expect teens to be a growth driver for the industry and have a major impact on the wireless landscape for years to come."

    Additional Information, Press Contacts

    To review selected research slides from the Harris Interactive study, entitled ‘Teenagers: A Generation Unplugged, please visit: www.HarrisInteractive.com/News/MediaAccess.

    For additional information regarding the full survey results contact Jeanette Casselano (CTIA) at (202) 828-8833, jeanette.casselano@fleishman.com or Carly Lejnieks (Harris Interactive) at (585) 727 7176, CLejnieks@HarrisInteractive.com. – A generation widely defined by mobility, today's teenagers are now making demands of their mobile devices and, in doing so, redefining what mobility will be in the future, according to a national survey, "Teenagers: A Generation Unplugged," released today by CTIA – The Wireless Association® in conjunction with Harris Interactive.






CONTENT:  Poems - Poets.org In Your Pocket

March 10, 2008. Entire collection of over 2,500 poems on Poets.org, as well as hundreds of biographies and essays, all in the palm of a hand.  On the web at:

easily by keyword. Visitors can read a poem, anytime, anywhere. fill a spare moment, woo a darling, toast a friend, find solace, or recite a few immortal lines

Woo or Woe on the Go -- Poems can be browsed by author, title, occasion, or form, and searched

www.poets.org/mobile The Academy of American Poets launched a mobile poetry archive which provides free and direct access


E-Mail Messaging (E-Mail to Cell Phones) OR see Cheshire Cat at



Edutopia report on Handhelds for Overcoming Autism


ChaCha - free reference service from cell phones.





Education Week

The Cellphone: Turning it Into a Teaching ToolWhat would happen if instead of silencing or confiscating cellphones in the classroom, teachers encouraged students to use them?

Hall Davidson, the director of the Discovery Educator Network, wants teachers to realize the potential power the instruments hold for enlivening lessons and engaging students in the content they are learning.

Most cellphones, Mr. Davidson points out, have a number of features that schools once paid thousands of dollars for as separate devices: camera, videorecorder, GPS, text messaging, music player. What

At a weeklong workshop for a corps of teachers who have become leaders in using instructional technology, Mr. Davidson gave a glimpse of what might be coming to a classroom near you.

³Are we going to ignore a device that does all this stuff?² Mr. Davidson asked the group of about 60 teachers at a workshop held this summer at the Discovery Communications headquarters here.

Students, for example, can do first-person interviews with a cellphone, with audio or video that can be posted to school wikis, collaborative Web sites, to enhance their reports and projects. They can receive class assignments and start their research using Web features on their phones. And they can record themselves practicing musical instruments, or a foreign language, and send the recordings to their teachers.

Teachers can also make good use of cellphones, Mr. Davidson says. In just a few seconds, each student can take part in polls posted by the teacher that ask students¹ opinions on topics related to lessons or procedures. Videos outlining instructions and lessons for substitute teachers can be recorded and sent by cellphone. When language is a potential communication barrier between parents and teachers, messages can be translated into other languages before they are sent.

While many of the potential applications are not quite ready for prime time, Mr. Davidson thinks that within a year or so they will be, but only if educators see their potential and figure out how to integrate the technology well.

Use and Abuse

Workshop participants expressed enthusiasm for the idea, but with reservations.

Although use of cellphones is widespread, many students still do not have them. And those who do may have older models, with fewer features, or have limits on the number of calls and text messages they can send and receive.

Students also need to control impulses to interact with friends by phone during class. Moreover, school policies are often at odds with using the phones as part of instruction.

³I think that with the use of a specific plan and guidelines for the use of cellphones, there is no way to ignore the possibility of their use in the classroom,² Rachel Yurk, a 6th grade teacher in New Berlin, Wis., who attended the workshop, said by e-mail. ³What will be hard is getting these policies in place and anticipating all the ways that kids will use and even abuse them.²

New York City, for example, has taken a hard line with its 20-year-old ban on cellphones. Two years ago, the district angered parents and students when it confiscated thousands of cellphones, which officials argued were distracting students from learning. ("N.Y.C. Schools Take Hard Line on Cellphones," July 12, 2006.)

But some teachers say it is time for schools to move into the 21st century.

³Gone are the days when we told kids they could only use a pencil in math. Now, we use markers, glue sticks, computer applications, and many other items not deemed

By Kathleen Kennedy Manzo

¹s more, many students, even in low-income areas, own one.Œworthy¹ of math years ago,² Howard J. Martin, an Austin, Texas, teacher and information-technology facilitator wrote in an e-mail. ³Any tool that we train students to use responsibly should be considered if proper use shows some benefit to our kids.² http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2008/09/05/03teachwebinar.h28.html?print=1


In the Thursday, April 24 edition of the Wall Street Journal, renowned technology columnist Walt Mossberg reviews a new service called "ChaCha". By calling an 800 number - 800-2CHACHA - from your cellphone or any phone, you can ask a question, and a few minutes later the answer will be provided to you by text message. The service is free for you to use, and Mossberg reports that people research your question to ChaCha's voice recognition system and earn 20 cents per answer. If you want a citation, it's available on the ChaCha website.

Mossberg reports that "one of 10,000 hired 'guides'" (he suggests the guides are stay-at-homes) does the research and provides your answer. Sitting around a computer and waiting for an incoming ChaCha research request, then receiving somewhat less than 20 cents after taxes does not seem like a job that a stay-at-home would necessarily want to take on, even if he or she was a retired reference librarian.

If ChaCha gains the same kind of foothold in the marketplace as has Goog411 (free directory assistance and call completion), libraries and reference librarians have not been marketing themselves well. If ChaCha's researchers are located overseas - and the Internet knows no distance - then they're being paid one-tenth or one-twentieth of their American counterparts, and the work is piecework, not paid hourly.

ChaCha presents a fascinating new business model and, if it is accepted by cellphone users, is going to be a significant competitor to the services agencies across California and the U.S. now provide. I recommend looking at it and our own business practices more closely - and soon.

The link to the Mossberg article, checked April 23, is John Marquette





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